Volume 1, Issue 1, November 2003
Editor: Dr. Miltiadis Sarigiannidis |
EDITORIAL There is no politically correct way to introduce a newsletter, especially when it is an individual initiative. And since the reasoning for this monthly newsletter is laid primarily on my personal contact with all of you, I leave no space for huge introductions; besides, my personal website is enough for an introduction. So, friends, former and active students, are all invited to participate in a new form of interaction, share and spread ideas, and meet other people with common interests. International legal and political affairs are the epicenter of the newsletter, but more than this I hope that it will evolve to an electronic society of ideasporas, a space for 'cosmopolitan agitation', that cuts across borderlines deepening the links that keep us together. Finally, your comments are not only welcomed but also necessary for the improvement and the existence of this newsletter. |
NEWS Book Review J. L. Holzgrefe & Robert O. Keohane (eds.), Humanitarian Intervention: Ethical, Legal and Political Dilemmas, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2003.
"The genocide in Rwanda showed us how terrible the consequences of inaction can be in the face of mass murder. But the conflict in Kosovo raised equally important questions about the consequences of action without international consensus and clear legal authority. On the one hand, is it legitimate for a regional organization to use force without a UN mandate? On the other, is it permissible to let gross and systematic violations of human rights, with grave humanitarian consequences continue unchecked?" (United Nations Secretrary-General Kofi Annan). This book is a comprehensive, integrated discussion of `the dilemma' of humanitarian intervention. Written by leading analysts of international politics, ethics, and law, it seeks, among other things, to identify strategies that may, if not resolve, at least reduce the current tension between human rights and state sovereignty". "The papers in this volume offer an informative analysis of humanitarian intervention with real intellectual coherence. The interdisciplinarity of the contributions, the sensitivity to the phenomenon of weak states, and the recognition of the tensions between human rights and the war on terrorism, combine to make this book both timely and welcome". Charles R. Beitz, Department of Politics, Princeton University. "This is a powerful and satisfying book. This superb set of essays provides a way to integrate and synthesize approaches from international law, moral philosophy and politics into a framework to deal with such complex and shattering events as Rwanda, Kosovo and September 11." Antonia Chayes, Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University. "Humanitarian intervention lies at the fault line between the international system's commitments to state autonomy and integrity and to the protection of human rights. These original essays are an important contribution to policy clarification and to scholarship." W. Michael Reisman, Yale Law School, Yale University." "For those wondering whether humanitarian intervention has a future after September 11, this outstanding collection is essential reading." Nicholas J. Wheeler, Department of International Politics, University of Wales, Aberystwyth. Buy the Book (info) here | Think Again: The United Nations, by Madeleine K. Albright Bureaucratic. Ineffective. Undemocratic. Anti-United States. And after the bitter debate over the use of force in Iraq, critics might add "useless" to the list of adjectives describing the United Nations. So why was the United Nations the first place the Bush administration went for approval after winning the war? Because for $1.25 billion a year-roughly what the Pentagon spends every 32 hours-the United Nations is still the best investment that the world can make in stopping AIDS and SARS, feeding the poor, helping refugees, and fighting global crime and the spread of nuclear weapons. Full StoryThe Falseness of Anti-Americanism, by Fouad Ajami Pollsters report rising anti-Americanism worldwide. The United States, they imply, squandered global sympathy after the September 11 terrorist attacks through its arrogant unilateralism. In truth, there was never any sympathy to squander. Anti-Americanism was already entrenched in the world's psyche-a backlash against a nation that comes bearing modernism to those who want it but who also fear and despise it. Full Story The Ambiguities of Security Council Resolution 1422 (2002), by Carsten Stahn SC Resolution 1422 (2002) is one of the most controversial resolutions of the Security Council. In order to surmount the United States' threat to block future UN peacekeeping missions, the members of the Council voted in favour of a resolution that requests the ICC to defer potential prosecutions of peacekeepers from non-state parties to the Statute for a 12-month period. What has been praised as a `pragmatic solution' to the US demands is in fact a highly questionable legal compromise challenging not only the framework of the Rome Statute, but also the role and powers of the Security Council. This article discusses both the interplay between the Council's request and the Rome Statute, and the possible implications of the resolution for the ICC and its member states. Full Story Religion and International Law, by Mark Weston Janis From its earliest days, international law has been intertwined with religion. The 16th Century Spanish Catholic priests, Suarez and Vitoria, who are often viewed as among the founders of the modern discipline of international law, argued from religious sources that the Spanish crown was obliged to treat native Americans as real peoples under the moral influence of the law of nations. Another founder of international law, the Dutch Protestant jurist, Hugo Grotius, relied heavily on Old and New Testament citations to demonstrate a universal law of nations in his monumental 17th century text, The Law of War and Peace, usually seen as the first book on international law. Though Grotius depended on Christian texts for his proofs, he felt that much of the law of nations bound not only Christian states, but those of Islam and China, too. Full Story |
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